Tuesday, January 03, 2012

the beginning of '12

... hapi new year for those who celebrate it (i'm not)...

-i just don't understand what they get by celebrating the new yr... counting down d numbers, 10, 9, 8.... 1...!! then shouting "hapi new year"... sakit tekak bagai, melompat2 bagai... sekian~ (so???)

owh, hentikan mmbebel... hmm... ari ni, back to malacca... d final sem yg practical semate2... tidakkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (-_-")

moge Allah permudah kan segale... huhu, manusia... hdup nak mudah jek, ssh langsung xnak... kate2 ni dituju pd dri sendri... (pekkkk!!! sebijik atas btg idung sendri)

p/s: semakin nmpak dri ni akan jd chikgu... huuu~ (terkedu)

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