1.im not a BEAUTIFUL girl
-penah x, if u guys kua, then terjmpe seseorg yg hencem @ cun, kamu akan toleh 2, 3 kali tuk tgok that particular person??? hoh0... trust me... im not that kind of girl yg akan org toleh smule tuk tgok... hik3~
2.im a simple girl a.k.a selekeh
-i tend 2 choose simple tshirt + pair of old jeans + cardigan (n usually black cardigan) + black tudung everytime kua... huhuhu~n no makeup...! bt trust me, i do have lots of clothes yg menarik in my closet...'dibeli, tp ntah bile nak dipakai'...
3. easily 'falling' 2 tall guys~
- ni kelemahan ak... if nmpak mamat yg lebey tnggi dr ak, ish3...~ mmg bley terjatuh ati... hehe... ditambah plak if die nye style rambut messy2... (",) nyum3~ i like...
4. i love to talk!!!
-24/7 talking... n talking... n talking...~ hik3... but when im arnd those people yg bru dikenali @ strangers, ak jd 'penyenyap'.. (tiada bunyi)
5. syg brg lame...
-ntah laa... cth nye, ak dah ad wallet, then tbe2 ad wallet cun sgt, yg menarik ati, ak akan jd berat ati nak bli yg bru, coz tkot wallet yg lame 'terase ati'... normal ke ak ni??? hmm???
6. NHA
7. SKINNY girl
-hmm.. skinny dr dulu smpai skunk... ad sesetengah org kate, ak bertuah ad body cam ni, ad plak yg cdap2 ngutuk... apekah??? mind ur own bsness... bley??? ape2 pon, ak bersyukur ngn kurniaan Illahi ni... (^_^)v
8. mnum teh ngn 2 cwan~
-hehehe, if nak mnum teh + cicah ape2 cam bskut, roti, etc... ak akn gne 2 cwn berbeza... 1 tuk mnum jek,n another tuk cicah jek... ak xkan mnum air yg dah dcicah bskot... geli~
9. .....adui, dh mlas nak taip...
sekian je laa ek~
Blackhat (2015) HD
9 years ago
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