'mak, nxt week kne g R.O.S dh... nti ingat kan aya, g skolah... kang xpsl2 1st day dh xg plak... heee...' (wat senyuman xbijak)
hmm... ak pesan kat mak ak, tuk 'keselamatan'... hehe... ak xmo nti tbe2 jd kes, ak btol2 terlupe g skolah tuk R.O.S (rancangan orientasi skolah)... bkn takat mak ak jek, sume ak dh pesan (kak ak, abah, bla2) ...
selaen tu, ak pon memikir kan cre yg terbaek (konon nye back-up plan)... yelaa, skunk bley arr ckp,
"xkan lupe nye, next week jek kot"
"ingat je, selase dpn g skolah"... etc...
tp mcm mne kalu btoi2 lupe??? uhhh, nape laa ak ni ek??? memory x ckup 'gagah'... mkn semut??? tp sib bek time exam, xde plak jd pelupe... Alhamdulillah
ak wase kn, bile org bgtaw ak info ape2, my brain tends to keep the info in short-term memory only, xde plak nak continue to transfer them to the long-term memory...??? (pepandai jek ak hentam)
mungkin benar~
---hmm... kalu info yg bgtaw mulut lg arr senang ak lupe... hehe...---
MAKA (bernada tegas)... ak wat 2 mende tuk ingt kan ak abt g skolah nti...
1- ak wat 'kalender murah'... hehe... err, mmg sgt pasti laa murah nye, setakat gne sehelai A4 paper, n pen... pastu lukis jek kalendar sndri... senget2, comot2, tarikh xckup pon xpe... yg penting, ak phm... hehe... (',')
2- wat reminder dlm phone... (taktik lame... hehe)
tp ak wase this time, xde de ak lupe nyeeee~ (lg mau ckp besa...haha)
2 je laa kot...
p/s: pd mmbe2, sowi kalu ak lupe ape2 info abt dri korg, cth nye cam d.o.b, tmpat tnggal skunk, korg keje ape, blaja ape, bla2...~ hmm, it's my bad...
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