rudeness... that's d word... owh gosh~~~ seriously... im 100% confius... how can there r people ... yg selambe badak nak rude wth those people yg diorg bru knal??? tlg laa korg...tlg laa... ak pon kasar n ckp kasar... but ak reti gak nak agak2 words ak... dn't let others gve bad impression kat u, kalu u bru knal some1... cam kate shimuk... 'kecek kasar lg~' ak, kalu mmbe2 rapat nak ckp kasar, ak mmg xkisah laa... ni ntah dtg dr mane, berhamburan plak ayat2 yg xpatot... ad certain 2, ksar berlebihan... ad 2 plak, ayat xsenonoh... kasar ke, lucah ke...both dlm kategori rude!!!! perlu ke ak nyatakan kat korg... 'u r over d limit'..perlu ke??? pndai la agak sendri... ish3...n honestly...~ ak xberminat nak kwn or trus kwn ngn org cam ni...
'a big full-stop from me'
-level mrah n x puas ati ak mmg lebey limit kesabaran dah ni, so sowi pd sume kalu kate2 ak ad yg xptot, or ad yg terase ati.. ok?? silap arr cri pasal time2 ak ngah tension sgt2 ni...nak ckp ak PMS ke, emo ke, etc... n now...ak dah xkisah~
never take someone for granted... hold every person close to your heart because you might wake up one day and realize that you've lost a diamond while you were too busy collecting stones...
it's funny how someone can break ur heart and u still l0ve them with all the little pieces .........
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